Eli and Sophia

Monday, September 5, 2011

Johnnie's Last Fight

Jon tells us about his father's last angry fight:  He was on duty at the family business which they referred to as 'The Joint' (gas station; bar; and precursor of current 'convenience stores').
As the bartender (family member) on duty, he asked a customer (who was inebriated) to leave. That person (I'm guessing, a male,) went outside and waited to 'way-lay' the person who sent him out.
Outside, this person hit Dad (Johnnie) over the head with a bottle. That seemed to get Dad's attention, and the attending physician later told Dad (Johnnie), that "you almost killed this man."
I believe that Dad never touched another person in anger again.
     Years later, in Myrtle Point, Oregon, I remember Dad having a shot from a doctor to relieve the pain of a migraine.
     Sue adds:  Jon and I have talked about whether Johnnie's headaches resulted from being whacked on the head with a bottle. I doubt it, because I've had my share of migraines, and I am not aware of having been hit with a bottle, or even in a fight. I admit to having had my butt paddled with a wooden spoon a time or two--as a child, that is. Like Uncle John, my doctor told me that in case of a migraine, I should go to the ER (nowadays a walk-in clinic) and get a shot to knock me out. Just then, Imitrix came  on the market, and I gladly injected myself rather than suffer that pain.  Since then, the drug has come out in pill form, and in the form of nasal spray.  I finally out-aged migraines when I was about 55 years old. Unfortunately, both of my sons inherited the syndrome, and I swear I haven't hit either one in the head with a bottle, although I'm sure Eric will remember my telling him to go get the metal spatula when he swore he couldn't find the wooden spoon.

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