Eli and Sophia

Monday, September 5, 2011


 Jon wonders whether being a septuagenarian has its privileges in responding to jerks, or whether he's becoming too crusty in his old age.  I have a hunch that fellow septuagenarian David would ask him, "What took you so long."  Jon says:
     I'm beginning to wonder where I might be on the crustiness scale (if there is such a scale). Remember, on our trip back across country, I gave the 'universal symbol' to a trucker who blew his/her horn (while we were bisecting Indianapolis on an interstate). I had never done this before.
     More recently, I had dropped Barbara off at the door of the local yacht club, gone to park and then walked to the club. I held the door open for a man and two women who were approaching, and the man's comment (rather than 'thank you') was "are shorts authorized for the club." (I was in shorts; he in long pants.) I said to him: "well, if they're not, I'll probably wrestle someone (in long pants) to the ground and take them (the women loved it, and said they'd like to see that).
     Am I that far from carrying a 'stick' with which to 'whack' somebody?

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