Eli and Sophia

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Logging Scene

This was the scene of the family logging operation near Bridge, OR, in about 1946. Shown left to right are Everett Goodman, Carl Morris, Dunc LaChapelle, Johnnie Sampson and Vake Sampson. Everett was a brother to Aunt Sylvia's husband, Buck Goodman. Carl was a long-time friend of Buck and Sylvia who scared the wits out of me once when he picked me up and tossed me into the air like he was used to doing with his own daughters. Dunc was a close family friend of all of the Sampsons, who spent many holidays with us, and who lavished us with gifts at Christmas.  He was especially close to Patty, and she named her second boy Jeffrey Duncan after him.
     When Mark found this photo in Vake's papers once, he told Vake, "There's a bottle of beer out front," and asked, "What brand is it?"  Vake knew right away that it was Lucky Lager.
     Part of Vake's pay for the logging operation was some Port Orford White Cedar. He had it cut into planks, planed, and fashioned into tongue-and-groove paneling that he used to finish the upstairs bedrooms in the house on 30th Street in Florence.

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