Eli and Sophia

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hunting for Snipe

Jon Sampson recalls:
     The Johanessens from Portland used to come to the 'coast' often. Their sons Mike and Gary were about the same age as Dean and I.   One time when they were visiting, I became the object of SOME harassment because guests of our neighbors across the street included a girl who seemed to find me attractive.  Dunc LaChapelle, bless his heart, (& I guess to take the pressure off of me), proposed a snipe hunt that evening.  Many times when the Johanessens were there, the kids would camp out in the sand dunes to the west. That's where we would hunt snipe. That night,  I was the "driver," so I  led the hunt, and set them up in teams of two "baggers." One bagger would hold the bag open, and the other would shine a flashlight at the mouth of the bag so the snipe would see a place to hide from the driver who was herding them that way.    Anyway, the 'hunt' occurred, and I "drove" all right; I drove home.  Everybody  else came dragging in MUCH later, with no snipe.

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