Eli and Sophia

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hunting for Bear

Jon Sampson recounts: 
     Don Young, who was a little younger than  I, and I decided to go bear hunting down around Tahkeninch  Lake.  We drove the logging roads on the ridge tops, and spotted a bear below us.  Don had a 44-40 (or some such similar to what Mark shot his deer with), and had brought two rounds of ammunition.  He & I both shot one round at this bear which disappeared into the brush.  We decided that we had not hit the bear.  Later, we spotted another bear, and took him/her under fire.  Don shot his remaining round, and then dropped the rifle into the dirt, barrel first.  I thought I had hit the bear, but it was down in the brush.  We went down there where we had to crawl to make progress.  We spotted the bear laying down, but not knowing if it was dead, I shot another round into it....it seemed to move.  So I maybe shot one more.  We then went and cut off one ham (leg); came back to town, and Don was to tell his uncle where the bear was, and he (the uncle) would go and get the rest of it. His uncle was supposed to go get the rest of it--but I have learned not to press too hard on these things. ( !

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