Eli and Sophia

Friday, May 23, 2014

Alison's Assimilation

We have hoped that Alison Monroe Martin would assimilate when Eric Martin (Eli and Sofia, Vake and Milly, Susan and ex-husband Robert Martin) brought his wife and sons west from Richmond, VA, to Klamath Falls, OR.  After all, she was brought up with genteerl historical and social connections:President Monroe's brother was an ancestor; she qualified for membership in Colonial Dames, which is more exclusive than the Daughters of the American Revolution; she was educated at William and Mary; she knew the Social Register and the Junior League; and she supported the Children's  museum and the local ballet, if not the symphony, ballet, museum, and more.And K-falls is the site of hunters, loggers, ranchers, and outdoors men.
     But this photo kind of says it all. Her friends on Facebook went nutzoid. "Has hell frozen over?" one asked. Another appreciated the appearance of the Zebra-striped handbag. by George, we think she's going to make it!

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