Eli and Sophia

Monday, June 25, 2012

Gil's Baptism, Rite and Tradition

Alison, Eric and Baby Gil in his christening gown

Sunday June 17, 2012 was a big day for Harold Kress Gillespie Martin, “Gil” (Eli and Sofia, Vake, Susan, Eric, Gil), or at least for his parents Eric and Alison. They had him baptized at the Grace and Holy Trinity (Episcopal)Church in Richmond, VA. It was baptism day for three infants, and the church was full with relatives, especially older brothers and sisters. The minister took each infant in his arms for the rite. When he took Gil, he sagged for a moment—Gil was so much heavier than the others!
   Three years ago, while Gil’s older brother Vake was being baptized, he flexed his mighty muscles and absolutely shredded the family’s fragile antique cotton christening gown. His maternal grandmother Mary Sabra Monroe, together with the ladies from next door who made costumes for the Richmond ballet, salvaged some of the lace and incorporated it into a new gown. As Eric stuffed the baby into the gown, he said “Hopefully buddy, this is the last time you’ll ever have to wear a dress! 
   Following the rite, family and friends gathered at Eric and Alison’s house for a tradition:  brunch of ham biscuits (soft rolls with a thin slice of salty Virginia ham), chicken salad, a tasty spinach salad (spinach, pecans, feta, raisins or something sweet, I think, with balsamic vinaigrette dressing), and mimosas. The parents visited, the children said “Yes sir” and “Yes M’am” and they behaved and shared—and a pair of little boys had a field day with the Fabreze bathroom spray in the powder room.

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