Eli and Sophia

Monday, March 5, 2012

Jon's story "The Hunt"

Jon says, "The Hunt" could be captioned: "Why I had to take corrective (bonehead) English when entering college." The letter home was from Medford, and the lady who "'screamed all night" was great-grandmother Wooldridge (who lived with Aunt Minnie (Swinney)).She was cared for in her last years by my (Grand) Aunt Minnie (sister to my grandmother Sharp). Periodically, Grandmother Sharp would go out "to the valley" and give Aunt Minnie a break in the care-giving process. My folks would take advantage of those times and ship one or more of us kids out there too! This letter was from one of those times. Both letters had to have been while I was in grades one thru four. Grandma Wooldridge probably had dementia &/or Alzheimer's.

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