Eli and Sophia

Monday, March 5, 2012

1930s hunting camp

Gene, Johnnie, and ?? Dick Lyles??
L to R:  Vake, Dunc LaChapelle, Buck Goodman, Gene cooking

L to R:  Gene Sampson, Dunc LaChapelle, Vake Sampson, Buck Goodman
Jon provides these photos from a family hunting camp during the 1930s. He estimated the date by the model of the car in the photo, and by observing that nobody was away at war. (Later, Gene and Vake would serve in the Navy for the duration. Dunc served in the Army and was one of the early units to enter a concentration camp. He said that they could smell it from a distance. Buck made a career of the Coast Guard.  Johnnie's wife Evelyn would be sure that recruiters  knew that Johnnie was a "bleeder," so would not be accepted. ) But where is the camp? The deer look bigger than coast range deer, more like the mule deer found inland. The Union Suits are suitable for eastern Oregon, when the hunters would find ice on their water bucket down by the creek in the morning, but where afternoons would be hot.   Jon recalls hearing of a camp at "Eckley Country," but that is not the name of an Oregon county, city or town. 

1 comment:

  1. As a follow-on to Dave's comment, one year we had a couple of hunters 'drop down' on the wrong side of a ridge (maybe Dave & Uncle Gene's ridge?) The found themselves in a whole different watershed, and started to hike out (I guess, using compass directions). We went looking by car, and finally found them.
