Eli and Sophia

Monday, March 19, 2012

Jon Makes a Marine Cry

  Jon recounts:  My last 4-year assignment in the Army was involved with the Army's Sports & Outdoor Recreation programs. In sports, one of our missions was to ensure that any soldier, based on their athletic ability, could progress from intramural activities, through & including international competition at the highest level, e.g. Olympics, etc.. Army athletes who 'placed' at those levels of competition were sent, through channels, letters of commendation signed by the Army Chief of Staff.
    What I really wanted to mention in this entry were the three secretaries in my office during my tenure. The one who was there when I was assigned to the office left (for a promotion) shortly after I got there. I interviewed several applicants who were sent, and ended up selecting a young lady who, as an enlisted Marine, had worked in the office of the Marine Corps Commandant. Among my questions during the interview, was: how long can I expect you to be here? "Oh, as long you need me!"
    A year or so later, she left (for a promotion). During our exit interview, I reminded her about how long she said she would stay. She left the office in tears--but she still left!
So I had to start the process of hiring a replacement over again.
     Meanwhile, things like letters of commendation to athletes for their accomplishments had to continue. I don't know (& never asked) whether my GS-13 supervising the sports program could type; but, thanks to Miss Grey at Siuslaw High School, I could. So I started typing! (Word processing pools were just getting started.)This increased the pressure to find a replacement. Thank goodness, an experienced secretary, currently working at the Pentagon, was interested in the job, in part, because, our office was closer to her home.
I hired her immediately!
    I was in that job from '78 to '82. I was the Army's representative to the USOC (US Olympic Committee) House of Delegates meeting at which we voted to boycott the '80 Olympics in Russia (they had invaded Afghanistan).
    Other than that, for example, if ( fraternity brother brother) Dave Edstrom had been in the Army and placed first, second, or third in the Pan Am Games at the time, he would have received a letter originating from the office I was later in charge of.
    Our four services also competed in international sports competition: CISM (Council International Sports du Militaire). During one basketball competition in Iraq, the spectators spit on our team members.
    Other than that, I was too busy typing,or up to my A-- in other alligators, to remember specific individuals.
     (The photo is Dale Edstrom, Oregon decathlon athlete and Jon's fraternity brother; see Jon's post on "Diversions" from a few days ago.)

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