Eli and Sophia

Monday, August 7, 2017



I am printing this with Tina’s permission.

Tina: Years ago, you told me that when you came home from college, Mom came into your bedroom to “help you” unload your suitcase. I know who she was—she would have gathered up everything and washed it in scalding hot water. At least that’s what she did with my Chanel-style white wool sweater, that shrunk to a little worzle. You mention that a bag of herb fell out of your suitcase. Mom saw it, and you were worried that she would tell “Jake.” How did that ever work out? SueS

Mom picked up the baggie and said "What's this?" then "I know what this is!!!"  

I told her "Shhhh, dad will hear you!" So she took on the role of my co-conspirator, and didn't say anything (that I know of....) to dad.

Previous to that happening (I think when I was in high school), both Mom and Uncle John had planted pot seeds (which I think they had gotten from you), to see if they could grow pot. Both Dad and Aunt Betty were very paranoid about it, so in the end both Mom and Uncle John pulled any seeds that had sprouted. And that is how I came to classify Dad as being opposed to pot, but Mom more "chill" about it.


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