Eli and Sophia

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Jon and his Chicken-Killing Dog Trudy


A Play in three mercifully short acts.         Based on a TRUE story.

Cast Of Characters :  Trudy…a dog.
                                   The Chicken…a chicken.  (Well, a rooster actually.)
                                   Jon….Trudy’s man
                                   Barbara ….Trudy’s woman
                                   Jorge….a guest worker from a country where Spanish is spoken
                                   Luz…. Jorge’s  wife

                                          ACT  1  Scene One

As the curtain rises it is early morning. Trudy is trotting down Osprey Road sniffing and smiling and thinking dog thoughts.

Trudy :  “ Gonna get some good Snoopin’ and Poopin’ this morning. Explore some more. Here’s a tree, take a pee.  Happy, Happy, me.  To be Free.  Whoopee.”

                                                 Scene  Two

 A trailer surrounded by trash and chickens.  Trudy enters stage left and immediately goes into a wolf stalk.

Trudy:  “ohmygod,ohmygod,ohmygod”

The Chicken, busy pecking, looks up and sees a large carnivore coming.

The Chicken: “Whaa..What is …SQUAWK!!!” 

…dead silence. 

                                           ACT  2

AFGO Cottage.  Late morning on the East River. Barbara enters stage right and looks out over her deck toward the river.



Barbara:  “Whaa…What is..

Jon, entering stage left:  “Barbara will you calm down, you’re squawking like a chicken.”

Barbara: (sarcastically)  “I suspect there’s been  a lot of that going around.”

Jon: (proudly) Trudy brought this chicken home.  The damn thing must weigh 20 pounds. I think it came from that trailer on East River Road.  You know, the place where the lady gave me some peanut butter because she thought I was homeless?”

Barbara: “ It’s a rooster not a chicken and it’s dead and I want it off my chimanea before the buzzards start to circle.”

Jon:  “I’m going to put it in a box and return it to the owners and offer to pay for it. Just let me go get my bike.” He leaves.

Barbara: (muttering to herself ) “Only Jon would ride a dead chicken in a box down the road on a bike. Why me Lord?”  

Curtain falls.

                                                 Act  Three  Scene One

AFGO Cottage.  Late Morning.  Barbara is reading in the living room.  Jon enters stage left.

Barbara: “Well?”

Jon: “ I knocked on the trailer door and nobody was home so I left the chicken on the picnic table.  I’ll go back this afternoon with some money and a jar of my hot pickle relish. They’ll love it.”

Barbara:  “They’ll love what, the relish, the money or the dead chicken?”

                                                        Scene Two

The trailer.  Afternoon.  Jorge is explaining the morning’s events to Luz who just got back from her shift at the nursing home.

Jorge:   “That homeless gringo you gave the peanut butter to came down on a bike with a box.  He put it on the picnic table. And then he knocked on the door.

Luz:  “What did he want?”

Jorge:  I don’t know, I didn’t want to answer the door.  I waited until he left and then I looked in the box and there was this dead chicken.  I am thinking what does this mean?
Does he know I don’t have my green card ? Madre de  Dios!  Luz, He knows I don’t have a green card!  This is a threat I will wind up in a box like a dead chicken !”

Luz:  “Do you think maybe he just wants more peanut butter?”

Jorge:  “ Luz why do you always be sarcastic with me ?”

Luz:  (looking out the window) “Jorge,  a car is coming.  It’s the homeless man!  The homeless man has a car! 

Jon knocks on the trailer door and Jorge opens it.

Jon:  “My dog killed your chicken and I am very sorry.”

Jorge: “ok.”

Jon:  “Here’s something to make up for it.”  (hands Jorge a  $20 bill wrapped around a jar of hot relish.)

Jorge:  “ok.”

Jon:  “Do you want to keep the chicken or shall I dispose of it?”

Jorge:   “ok.”

Jon picks up the chicken box  and exits stage left.

Jorge steps out of the trailer and holds up the money and relish. He calls inside to Luz.

“Luz, Luz,  the crazy gringo gave me twenty dollars for the chicken.  And Luz, the wonderful thing is….the chicken wasn’t even ours!   I love America.”

                                             THE END

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