Eli and Sophia

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Susan and Marcia's Christmas Recipes

Susan Buckhart has told us about Christmas recipes prepared by her grandmother and step-grandfather "The Italian Wanna-be." Here are the recipes for dove and pheasant; the recipe for cioppino should be coming along. Susan says:
I'm still looking for the cioppino recipe but I did find the pheasant and dove recipes. I guess it was the dove in the tomato sauce with mushrooms. Here goes....it's been a really long time since these recipes were made....makes me think I might like to try them again.

Dove and Mushrooms with Polenta
6 Doves
6 small onions
1 #2 can of whole tomatoes
mushrooms - variety and quantity are up to you.
1 garlic clove crushed
1 large onion chopped
1/2 tsp thyme
1/4 tsp dried basil
1/2 cup butter

Stuff each dove with a small onion, a teaspoon of butter and a few sprigs of parsley. Melt the rest of the butter in skillet and saute garlic. Remove garlic and reserve. Brown doves quickly in skillet. Put browned birds and sauce from pan in a deep casserole together with the garlic and the rest of the ingredients. Cover casserole and cook in moderate oven (375 degrees) for one and a half hours. Serve with polenta.

Roast Pheasant with Brandy and Cream
3 pheasant
1/2 cup brandy
1 pint heavy cream
1/4 cup prepared horseradish
6 slices bacon
8 shallots thinly sliced
2 cups chicken stock
4 tablespoons butter
1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper
1 tsp salt

Cover breasts of pheasant with bacon slices and tie up so they will not lose shape. Brown in cast iron frying pan with butter and shallots. After birds are browned, place in baking pan with juices from frying pan. Pour brandy over birds and light. When flame dies, add chicken stock, pepper and salt. Roast uncovered 375 degrees for 1/2 hour, basting frequently. Add cream and horseradish to sauce and continue roasting for 15 minutes, still basting frequently. Serve birds on heated platter with sauce around them. Serve with wild rice.

I'll send off the Cioppino recipe in the next few days - if I can't find the recipe I'll ask Marcia. She said she made it this year for New Year's.

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