Eli and Sophia

Friday, December 30, 2011

Welcome Harold Kress Gillespie Martin

First Photo

Harold Kress Gillespie Martin arrived on December 29, and weighed in at a whopping 10 pounds, 4 oz. Here's how he fits into the family tree:  Eli and Sofia, Vake Sampson, Susan Sampson, Eric Martin, baby. He is named for the grandparents of his mother, Alison Gillespie Monroe Martin. "Kress" was Grandmother Gillespie's maiden name, and is the middle name of Alison's sister, Anne Kress Monroe Rivera, MD.
     Everybody is asking, "What will he be called? Harry Martin?"
     No, that sounds too much like some kind of bird.  He will be called "Gil."
     Gil arrived under emergency circumstances.  Labor had been induced and was proceeding normally when he turned unexpectedly, and developed a prolapsed cord. That's a critical emergency for the baby's oxygenated blood supply, and a C-section was performed instantly. The hospital swung into action "Like a well-oiled machine," and mother and baby seem to be fine, although when Eric first announced Gil's arrival, Alison was still in the OR, undergoing a special scan to assure that no sponges, etc., had been left at the surgical site--the operation was performed so fast that no inventory had been kept.
     And Eric was being facetious when he said he was pleased that  the baby arrived in time for the dad to go home and watch the  University of Washington Husky's bowl game on TV.

1 comment:

  1. ...and by the way, the UW huskies lost!

