Eli and Sophia

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Work for a Young Swedish Girl

Tina Sampson shares this story about her daughter Kaia's experience with a hacked resume. Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, people standing

I just thought I'd share Kaia's funny story (with her permission).

Kaia recently decided she needed to cut way back on her work hours so that she had more time for schoolwork. The hospital where she works told her that she needed to go through the formal process of submitting her resume (online) for a part-time job through a different department at the hospital. So she did that. When she went to follow up with a call to a contact number in the new department, the woman on phone spat out that Kaia's resume was both too short and totally inappropriate. Kaia was confused and told the woman that she had never experienced a problem with her resume before. After some discussion the woman told Kaia that her resume consisted on one sentence. It was "Do you have any work for a young Swedish girl?"  

Although Kaia is laughing about it now, and she just dressed up as a young Swedish girl for a costume party last night, at the time her first reaction was "No. Oh no." She tried to convince the woman that she did not submit that as her resume, but the woman was not buying it. Then she started laughing at the absurdity of it, and the woman was still unconvinced. She eventually had to go to the IT personnel to get it straightened out, and they confirmed that the "Swedish" resume was not hers, that it had been created back in 2006, and they did not know how it popped up to replace her real resume. 

But if you ever need an attention-getting opening line for a resume, that's a good one!

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