Eli and Sophia

Friday, September 8, 2017

Subject: North Korea

Subject: North Korea
September, 2017

55 years ago today, I was at Ft Benning, GA, training as an Infantry platoon leader.......our mechanized personnel carriers were on the beaches of Florida, in preparation for an invasion of Cuba, in response to the Russian missile buildup there. 

55 years ago today, donald trump was 16 years of age, and probably just learning how to evict minority people from his families' rental housing.

Today, we seem to have another missile crisis......HELLO!!.......One response seems to be stopping trade with any natiion currently trading with or providing goods or services to North Korea.  Isn't that like deciding which foot to shoot ourselves in......or doing brain surgery with a meat ax?

How about the possibility of our blockading their ocean ports of entry such that trade from those would cease.  Air dropped, time delayed underwater mines might be a possibility (if we had them in the inventory).  Otherwise,  we could take some of the Navy ships which have been having holes punched in them, and 'scuttle' them in the shipping lane channels, with the Navy Seal crews leaving on jet skis

Warm regards,

Jon Sampson.

I propose we do nothing, unless or until Un does something endangering anyone not a North Korean.  Then we do so as a part of a coalition whose Un's actions have harmed...until then, Un is the mouse who roared.

55 years ago today I was on a plane on the tarmac of the Presidio of San Francisco airport ready to fly to Key West with members of my STRAC Army Post Office Unit to be able to deliver mail to combatants in the  front lines of a potential nuclear conflict.  It was expected that the conflict wouldn't last all that long.  However, we go orders to stand down; I went home to get some sleep as we had been loading the plane with our postal equipment for the previous 48 hours without a break.  Later, they rescinded the order and called us back to duty. I never received the message and the unit left without me.  When I went into the base the following Monday to report for duty, there was nobody there; the unit was in Key West. Hardly knowing what to do, I went down to Post Headquarters and reported in.  They went apeshit.
However, after great gnashing of teeth, it was finally concluded that I had done nothing wrong, and I was simply reassigned to the post clothing and sales store for the remainder of my army duty in San Francisco.  Parenthetically, I was working full time at a bar and was making more than the commander of the 6th Army.  I wish we had the same guys in the White House now as we did then.


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