Eli and Sophia

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Farm that Brook is Rehabilitating

Brook's farmhouse and barn
Brook in his or\chard
hand-hewn ceiling beams
pumpkin pine floors
Stairwell before
Stairwell after
Bathroom before
Bathroom after
Home Office

This is the 6.6 acre farm in New Hampshire, close to Dartmouth College (formerly Dartmouth Indian School) where Brook works, that he is rehabilitating. Remodeling is  a family tradition:  Grandpa Eli, Johnnie, and Vake of their generation build houses; Jon, Dean and Sandy of my generation have remodeled or built houses, and Sam has designed them for others; and Eric and his wife Alison have rehabbed their house in Richmond, VA.  Brook followed with this project. When he tore into the floors, he found newspapers dating to 1868 and referring to President U.S. Grant. Brook's orchard includes a dozen trees of old varieties of apples. He has added some Honey Crisps. The old trees haven't been pruned for years, so at least three years of rehab is underway. Brook has planted starts of his Great-grandpa Eli's loganberries, and if all the wild black-cap raspberries on the site are any clue, the berries should thrive.

1 comment:

  1. It does not look like to Loganberry starts that I planted a while back survived the freeze that hit shortly after they went into the grouped.

    I guess that means I won't have to build a trellis or fence this year for them :)

