Eli and Sophia

Saturday, March 10, 2012

More Photos from the Hunting Camps

L to R: Vake's family friend John Stoner (?), Patty Sampson, Jon Johanneson , Mildred Johanneson, Pat Sampson, Dean Sampson, 1963 photo
Jon found some more photos from the hunting camps. The one on top shows Vake with a buck, and the next one down shows one of his Navy compadres with his deer. When Vake talked about his final Navy station at North Bend, OR, adjacent to his home of Coos Bay (Marshfield, at the time), he made it sound like "McHale's Navy," and a good time hunting with his boss.
     In the last photo, Jon adds another name to the Eastern Oregon hunting site, "Dark Canyon." He says,
"The group in the bottom picture, are clustered around what is called 'The Rock' at Dark Canyon. Selected hunters would be positioned there before daylight, and others, would hunt toward the rock from camp after daylight, thus driving any game toward 'The Rock.' I probably killed my last deer at the rock while I was still in college."

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