Eli and Sophia

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Jon Sails Merilintu

Jon told us about his failed adventure in piloting a raft down the Smith River.  In short, he and his co-pilot Mike were not Huck and Jim. But Jon’s adventures on the water didn’t end with that sinking  raft.
     Now Jon sails the “Marilintu” Finnish for “Sea Bird.” Last autumn ( 2010) he and a buddy were sailing near his home, on Chesapeake Bay, after darkness had fallen. They detected a much larger vessel, bearing down on them, hard. Their lights were on, but the other vessel stayed on a course that would soon run them down.  Was it the Coast Guard looking for Cuban or Haitian refugees seeking asylum? Or the TSA seeking bombers? The large vessel remained on course, due to ram them.
     Jon got on the radio, maritime band. “This is the sailing vessel Merilintu” he announced, “What is your problem?”
     The unidentified vessel veered away into the night. 

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